Saturday, February 19, 2011

All the Marshmallows Are Gone!

Wow, what a difference a couple of weeks can make in Michigan weather! Almost all of the snow is gone and some of the days this week seemed positively spring-like. Most are ready for it, although I am not a big fan of all the mud, mush and dreariness. Flowers will be popping soon, and that will make it all very exciting. It is also much easier to deal with walking the dog when it isn't so freezing out.

It's a beautiful sunny day today, which is cheery, although when you go outside the wind is very biting.

I just finished watching Pride & Prejudice, which I very much enjoyed. A young friend has requested the music from that movie for her wedding prelude and I am very excited to get the music and start rehearsing. Five months goes very quickly when you aren't really that great of a pianist and must prepare something.

Well, that having been taken care of, I am off to finish my warm little shrug that I am crocheting - must hurry or I won't get to wear it this year.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

It's a Marshmallow World

I got out of the house and about town today for the first time since the big snowfall. It is so absolutely beautiful, the snow, and I really enjoyed the warm sunshine and smooth, sparkling fields of white. I even like huge piles of piled up snow from plowing. We have some sub-zero temps on the way, which could make things interesting if one has to work outside and some more snow (as in feet of) on the way next week. I love Winter!

Other than admiring God's handiwork, the day consisted of running errands, getting stranded, meeting a kind stranger, buying a new car battery, getting a haircut and then a short meeting. Now I am happily once again snuggled into the recliner with some pain meds and some crochet to work on.

I wore a sweater I crocheted today and I was surprised at all the comments I received. I suppose it must look obviously home made for so many to comment, but after I admitted that I had crafted the frock, the comments were all favorable. I smiled each time some one complimented me as I wondered if they were wondering just how much yarn does it take to make such a snugly sweater dress for such a plus size gal. The answer? Not as much as you might think. I'm working on some other small projects while I figure out what next big thing I want to tackle and purchase the yarn for that project. At least I am being productive whilst lying around on my ice pack.

House cleaning tomorrow in anticipation of the girls coming over for a sleepover - should be a good time!

My Love of Sheldon

So, we've been watching past seasons of The Big Bang Theory on DVD. There aren't all that many shows that will consistently make me laugh out loud, but this is one of them. Very cleverly written and completely inane, but terrifically amusing none the less. I really like Sheldon and can relate to some of his idiosyncrasies - kind of 'the guy you love to hate'. I think any of us who remembers the painful embarrassment of our youth can relate to the social inadequacies of these guys. Fortunately, most of us have grown out of them.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Blizzard of 2011?

Well, as far as blizzards go, this one was a bit weak in our area. They reported more than a foot in places west of us, so they are having a grand time getting out and about. I believe most folks are more than happy to hole up for a day. Any longer than that and they may start to get antsy. I am used to being snug and secluded at home, so it is just another day for me.

I do have company today, however, as the hubby's employment responsibilities can wait until the roads and lots have been cleared. He is enjoying some much needed downtime, having completed our snow removal opportunities, and is now happily ensconced in the recliner watching morning tv and whatever afternoon dribble might be polluting the airwaves. It won't take long for him to quit that, I imagine.

All in all, God is good, there have been no serious injuries or accidents amongst my friends and family, so I am rejoicing in the beauty of the freshly fallen fluff. A heavy, fresh snow always reminds me that my sins were once as scarlet, but now are white as snow. Thank you so much, God, for all that you provide!! You are awesome and wonderful.